One day early, One year late

I am in Brewer, Maine right now, visiting. About a month ago, I had reserved this trip through one of the many flight websites which I can't seem to separate from each other. There are Travelocity, Expedia, Orbtiz, CheapFlights, to name a few. I made the reservation from work, and the dates were January 20th through the 26th. I didn't, however, ever receive a travel confirmation email from the website. So I forgot about it and went about daily tasks, figuring U.S. Airways would eventually email me the itinerary. They didn't. A few days before I was about to leave, I decided it would be good to print out the itinerary so I would have the details about when/where/with which airline I was traveling. Using the Gmail in-box search function I typed "portland airplane trip" and it came up with one search result, from Expedia. I looked at it, and it said "San Francisco to Portland ME January 21; flight time: 11:46am; United" and I thought quickly, 'oh ...