Painting the Atlantic

A few summers back, I was with my mom at Schoodic Point in Downeast Maine. We were on a mission to do a watercolor painting en plein air. In honor of the recent mother's day, I decided to post a picture of this watercolor I did that day on our trip.

Painting ocean or lake water with the medium watercolor can be tricky. You don't want to reveal too much with a solid line, but I always do feel like I need to indicate some darker tones so the paint reads as the texture of the water's surface. My method for painting the water was to use a rather pale wash of ultramarine blue, with a darker prussian blue added in the background to establish a more definite line for the horizon. Once the ultramarine dried, I overlaid a few more saturated layers on top. After that, I was able to use a small filbert paintbrush to add in some choppier, horizontal lines to show some perspective.


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