Point Reyes, California

One autumnal, late October weekend of this very year, I went to Point Reyes, California. One of the objectives was to reach within the depths of my energy reserves and execute a painting or two.  In the northern bits of Marin County I ventured, 'to the lighthouse', and was met with fog galore.

The last sunny spot before I reached the vicinity of Point Reyes was a town called Inverness. It consisted of a few cafes and restaurants, and an accommodating grocery/general store. All the residents and people I interacted with were kindly. One particular cafe I went to was called Blackbird. The gentleman who ran the cash register and kitchen crafted a BLT that comes within inches of being the best BLT I ever consumed.
You can see the fog encroaching its way over a hill. The road that I took to get there was highway one, visibly apparent on this map.
A shape of land that appears so cut and dry, though when I journeyed onto the road, it was anything but.
This is a shot of the road and its fences on the side. As I got closer and closer to the ocean, the day shut down. The air turned ethereal and cold; the fog stacked itself like Hadrian's wall.

Every once and a while, on the same road, I'd pass a farm or a few cows. The farms looked like they'd been there for a long while.

When I finally made it to the parking lot to get at the ocean, where I'd presumably do a painting, the temperature had gone down 15 degrees from Inverness and 23 degrees from San Francisco; it was 53 degrees and damp as a Seattle spring. It was too grey to do any paintings; but I took a few reference pictures for paintings later. And I drove to another beach in the vicinity of the lighthouse, Drake's Beach.

In my next post, I'll show the watercolor I did after this trip. 


  1. The photo where the sun is beating its way through the clouds is terrific. Beautiful!


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